创新与技术/Innovation and Technology
GREPO is equipped with hundreds of quality inspection equipment and devices, such as material tester,3-D coordinate instrument, roughness tester,salt-mist tester,straightness tester,hardness tester, color identification machine, vibration tester, noise tester, etc. to ensure spare parts qualified

测试仪器/Test Equipments
Meanwhile,GREPO built an advanced laboratory to carry out durability tests,power tests, balance tests,starter tests,blower tests, higher 8 lower temperature tests, and some other performance tests for finished products.

性能测试/Performance Tests
Quality for survival,innovation for development. GREPO established along-term cooperation relationship with Tsinghua University on new product development.GREPO insists on making outdoor simulation tests to solve all the problems before the new product launches.

清华大学授予的证书/Awarded by Tsinghua University Certificate

智能割草机户外测试/Intelligence Mower Outdoor Test
we not only optimize old models but also develop lithium garden tool ssuccessfully to contribute to the development of energy-saving and environmentally friendly garden equipment.

LC40锂电割潜机/LC40 Lithium Brush Cutter